The right food before and after training not only promotes your athletic results, but also supports your regeneration. The optimal pre-workout meal helps you if it is easy to digest and provides energy for the upcoming workout. This works best if it is low in fiber, fat, protein and carbohydrates. Low fat because fat is digested very slowly in the body at 6-8 hours. After a workout, the body continues to burn energy to recover from the previous intense workout. So you continue to burn a fair amount of calories because your metabolism is accelerated. This process describes the afterburn effect. After the workout, your need for energy is at its highest. You still have the other half of the banana from before the workout? Then eat it before you shower. Within 30 to 45 minutes after your workout, you should eat a real full meal. Proteins and carbohydrates are recommended after the training, if it must go fast, you can also fall back on a protein shake. |
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